This tree reminds me of how difficult it is to make the right decision at times |
Some of the neatest things that have happened to me during the past few months, can't be photographed. If you just want to look at paranormal pictures ...this post might not be for you. However, if you want to know how to open yourself up to the amazing universe read on...
Physically, I feel a high pitched vibration ringing in my head. It annoyed me at first, but now I am used to it. My body actually 'tingles' at times (apparently that is common when orbs are around.) In fact, all my senses have become elevated. My vision, hearing and even my intuition, have all greatly improved. George Noory from 'Coast to Coast Am' calls this 'focused consciousness'.
One of the biggest changes has been that my 'brain fog' has lifted, by this I mean that I find myself operating with greater clarity. I no longer stumble to find words or 'tune out' in conversations. My memory is now recalling events and details long forgotten.
I find myself functioning at a higher level and with my eyes wide open. I am more present in daily life and believe that all this, is partly due, to three life changes: connecting with nature, meditation and the art of visualization. It is really all about the discovery of 'consciousness' and the connection with our 'sixth sense' or higher selves.
What I have found is that I can affect my life... my physical health and my future. I am experimenting with some unusual things: have you ever tried to send someone a message, mentally? Try it, you may be surprised when you get a text or the phone rings shortly after! Have you wanted a job, house or even a parking space...visualize it...see it happen!
You see...we are capable of so much more than what we currently believe. If you believe you are a 'loser', you'll be a 'loser', if you believe that you can write a best selling book, you will! Here is an experiment that I've been doing for a few weeks...it involves asking for advice.. and listening to nature's answers.
Many so called 'new age' theorists such as Ted Andrews and George Noory, among others, believe that you can seek answers to your questions, dilemmas etc. by taking a walk in nature and observing the messages around you. How this works is that 'you will see what you are meant to see', you don't have to try too hard...just be observant.
For example, walking Rosie used to be a bit of a chore, I did it but always thought about all the other things I should be doing. Now, I think about a question I need to make a decision on and take note of messages I receive during my walk. I do use Ted Andrews book "
Nature Speak: Signs, Omens and Messages" as a guide, but it is not necessary.
The other day I wanted to know whether I should look for a new place in the country or find a place in town. I went for a walk along my familiar route and a couple of trees started creeking, I walked over to them and discovered a new rambling overgrown footpath I'd never noticed before. I followed the footpath and it led me to a winding path by the river. Intuitively, I immediately knew... I wanted to live near water.
I then sat on a tree that had fallen across the river and imagined myself in a cute little cottage near water and in the midst of 'mother nature'. I realized that my fear was not about moving to the countryside but really about being alone in the middle of nowhere! I needed to find an in between solution...in the country but not too isolated.
Suddenly, I looked over and saw a blue heron sitting on a tree branch surveying the river. he was so beautiful, so majestic. According to Ted Andrews the sighting of a blue heron is a sign that: "one is solitary and 'independent' in nature and is comfortable following their own path". Yep that's me, I said to myself.
After the walk there was no question that I wanted to look for a place in the countryside, I no longer felt the insecurities of moving out of town. But I now realized, that I did need to find a place that was not too far away from civilization(!)
when I returned home, I also did what I call the
'George Noory experiment'. I went to the website
http://www.randomwebsite.com/, which literally pulls up random websites, and hit the 'random button' ten times. I wrote down a word that described my immediate thought about the random website I landed on, this is what I wrote:
Printer (home office?)
Thrifty clothes (?)
Handsome man
Try it for yourself, its fun and it helps you with your decision making process!
After my messages received during my walk and the random website experiment, I decided to look for a place in the country. I felt very comfortable with my new decision.
The next day, I found a listing for the cottage of my dreams on a horse farm, near a river and a provincial park, and not far from London. The photos of the horses in the paddock and the sunset views off the back deck were literally stunning! I immediately felt that this is where I wanted to be.
My new home! |
I am going to see this cottage this weekend, and despite hoards of other interested people, I know they will offer it to me. Stay tuned to see if the visualization of me living in this cottage works its magic, I believe it will.
You can always help by visualizing along with me!!
Next post: The power of visualization